Japan Student Services Organization (hereafter “JASSO”) offers Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students in Japan. In conjunction with this scholarship, JASSO sponsors a
reservation program that sets aside scholarship allotments for privately financed international students who achieve a superior score on the EJU, a good performance at ABK COLLEGE, and enroll as
regular students in a university undergraduate school, a junior college, or a special training college in Japan.
This scholarship is awarded next school (after graduation ABK COLLEGE).
JASSO web-site has more detail (Japanese only).
授與在日本語能力試驗成績優秀等學生者獎狀及獎 品。
在4月初級班級的學生裡,畢業考試最高成績者 授與獎狀及獎品。
在學期間內出席率達100%的學生者授與獎狀及金獎 牌。
由亞細亞文化會館館長授與積極地為學生宿舍營運 及活動參與的學生。